What would be the best hand-held weapon during a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

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In a true 'shit hit the fan' scenario, which firearm would be your first priority to get your hands on? - Quora

What would be the best hand-held weapon during a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

Would katanas actually make good & reliable weapons against zombies, especially for beheading them? Or is it just a myth out of the media for the sake of looking cool? - Quora

What would be the best hand-held weapon during a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

It's a zombie apocalypse and you have to choose 3 weapons from any war after 1900. What do you choose? - Quora

What gun would you choose to use 10 years after a zombie apocalypse, considering ammunition availability? - Quora

What should an anti-zombie knife look like? - Quora

What is your go-to-gun in an apocalypse? - Quora

What type of sword would be best for a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

A cutlass is a good weapon for the zombie apocalypse? - Quora

How effective would a SWAT team be in a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

What is the best knife to have in a zombie apocalypse? - Quora

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