Purse Seine Net Operation

$ 27.00

4.6 (697) In stock

Purse Seine Net Operation - Download as a PDF or view online for free
1. A purse seine is a large surrounding net used to encircle and capture schools of pelagic fish. It has floats along the headline to keep it at the surface and weighted leadline at the bottom. 2. The net is equipped with purse rings along the bottom edge and a purse wire to close off the bottom of the net once the fish are inside, preventing escape. 3. Purse seining involves setting the net from the vessel, encircling the fish school, pursing the bottom closed with the purse wire, and hauling the net aboard using a power block and stacking system to gradually reduce the size of the enclosed area and concentrate the fish in the bunt for pumping onboard.

Fishing Gear: Purse Seines

Purse Seine Net Operation


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