Learn More: Shark Bycatch - Oceana Europe

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Bycatch is a term used to refer to any species caught accidentally while fishing for other species. According to the FAO, there are few fisheries that don’t catch sharks as bycatch, and some fisheries actually catch more sharks than their targeted species. Estimates suggest tens of millions of sharks are caught as bycatch each year. Read more

16 Shark Facts to Change Your Perception • Wild Hearted

How Scientists are Reducing Bycatch Around the World

Small device can reduce shark bycatch by 90%

AZTI Leads a Project to Study Shark Behavior and Protect the Marine Ecosystem, Research

Blue shark (Prionace glauca) - Oceana Europe

Open Ocean Sharks: Blue Sharks and Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

Hunted for fins: How EU fleets target threatened sharks - without management - in the world's oceans - Oceana Europe

Two steps forward one step back for sharks in the Atlantic? Mixed outcome of 28th ICCAT Commission Meeting in Cairo

Third of open ocean sharks threatened with extinction

How does overfishing affect sharks and rays? - Save Our Seas Foundation

Stronger restrictions adopted affecting California's drift gill net fishery – Daily Breeze

Shark-fishing gear banned across much of Pacific in conservation 'win

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